Lata Rani Sehrawat is the new PRO appointed by Chief Secretary,National Public Grievance & Investigation Commission
Lata Rani Sehrawat has been appointed as PRO to National Public Grievance
Report : Rohit Kumar
LATA Rani Sehrawat is a hard working social worker and a Media penalist, who is working for the society from around 20 years.She is a strong hard working lady who gave her entire life to the society without thinking of her own son who is now 20+ and presently helping her mom in her campaign “KOI SATAYE HAME BATAYE”
Even in News Channels, Lata was often seen in the debates when the national issues are raised like “Nirbhaya” a blood curdling incident which took place in Delhi. Around 10 years ago, a young woman was gang-raped and brutally assaulted on a bus in the Indian capital, Delhi. She died a few days later from her injuries. As she lay in a hospital bed, fighting for her life, the press named her Nirbhaya – the fearless one. Social activist,Lata Rani Sehrawat was even present at Supreme Court of India on the judgement day with “NIRBHAYA’S mom but never came in limelight of Media. Rohit Kumar (Team NewsIndia9) as reported from Ground Zero found that Lata’s NGO has helped hundreds of girls who were victims of dowry and rape cases and were unable to fight for there justice. Lata’s NGO ,Tejaswani Nari Shakti and Bal Yuva Foundation has a huge group of several teams who are even working in the rural areas of the states like Jharkhand, Arunachal pradesh etc. to help victims and lost the hope for justice after getting assaulted by the System. During an Interview with Team NewsIndia9 Lata said that she has self visited to the rural areas of the country including Uttar Pradesh and rescued those girls who were living a life of prisoners and were being raped daily even by the local police officials. Lata rani raised the voice of those women’s who has worked with several politicians including Late Shri Mulayam singh yadav was Defense Minister and C.M. of Uttar Pradesh. Earlier few months back Lata was appointed as National President (Womens Wing) of “Social Justice and Women Empowernment” board which is supported by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowernment (Govt. Of India).
On 01-01-2024 Chief Secretary of National Public Grievance & Investigation Commission’s Adv. Tanu Kaushal Gupta as per observation and consideration of National Advisory Board of (NPGIC) with NITI AAYOG, (Govt. Of India) officially announced and nominated “Lata Rani Sehrawat as Public Relations Officer Pan India. Nomination Letter to Prime Minister’s office,Presidents’s Secretariat of India, Governer of Delhi, Chief Minister Delhi office ,Chief Secretary,Delhi,District magistrate,Delhi and State Information and Public Relations Department,delhi has been dispatched.
We Congratulate LATA RANI SEHRAWAT for her appointment as National Public Relation Officer (PRO),India of National Public Grievance & Investigation Commission (NPGIC) under NITI AAYOG (GOVT. OF INDIA)

Give us your Complaint and we will raise your voice in our Exclusive Programme “KOI SATAYE HAME BATAYE” .
Our Programme and campaign is supported by Ministry of social justice and empowernment,(Govt. of India)
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