A huge fine imposed on Appellant Officer by RTI Commissioner, UK

Rita Suri gets Public Information Officer fined for concealing the Anghaila Housing Scam proceedings.

Rita Suri, Vice President, RTI Club Uttarakhand seeks information about Anglia Housing Scam

Dehradun | In an eventful turn of events, the public information officer faced a penalty of twenty-five thousand for withholding information about legal proceedings that was sought by the RTI Club. The government’s green land is encroached upon by the fraudulent Anghaila Housing Society in Dehardun, UK. Lush green trees are being cut for urbanization and making quick money. As a matter of fact, the government owns 7,000 large tracts which is slowly being encroached by Anghaila Housing land in Galjawadi. The land mafia has persisted in its unlawful occupation despite the government having a stake in this parcel of land.

Moving on, Rita Suri who is the Vice President of RTI Club, Uttarakhand is working to prevent the land mafia from destroying government property in with intervention of the high court. This is the writ petition Advocate Rajesh Suri had filed in High Court, Nainital in 2014 after which he was murdered by land mafias. This quest for justice started by RTI activist and whistleblower Rajesh Suri remains unfinished.

In her fight against land mafia, Rita Suri, the vice-president of RTI, Uttarakhand had submitted a Right to Information (RTI) application, requesting for information about the actions taken to eliminate unlawful encroachments. On reviewing the letter from her, Minister Ganesh Joshi instructed the district minister to take appropriate and quick action. The appeal officer had issued directives requiring information about the court proceedings to be provided within ten days. The Public Information Officer remained silent in spite of this and any delay in providing information is not a mistake but a denial to comply with orders.

The Commissioner of the Chief Information Commission fined the Public Information Officer Rs 25,000 for not providing information about the court proceedings. The information about court proceedings cannot be kept secret as it falls under public domain. The Information Commission made a wise move and took strong step of penalizing the authority who was playing hide and seek.




Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar is a famous Indian journalist and social activist based in Delhi, India. He is also known as “the investigator” and “news creator.” He is the director and chief editor of News India 9. Popular for his TV show “Koi Sataye Hame Bataye,” which creates awareness regarding societal issues and shares inspirational stories from society. The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (Government of India) supports his channel and considers him a star icon.

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