Team “Koi Sataye Hame Bataye” न्यूज़ इंडिया 9 KOI SATAYE HAME BATAYE

Team “Koi Sataye Hame Bataye”


Koi Sataye Hame Bataye”
1. Mr. Meer Singh who is EX – OSD and present Liason officer to Hon’ble Social Justice Minister Shri Ram Das Athawale,Ministry of Social Justice and Empowernment (Govt. Of India) as well as National head & Chief of Special Investigating Team and Senior Legal Analyst) for NewsIndia 9 (Team Koi Sataye Hame Bataye) 

Meer Singh has been recently appointed as a National Legal Advisor for United Press Club Organisation. 
2. Shri Lata Rani Sehrawat is National joint secretary, (Women’s wing) & National Head for Human Rights Commision.

Lata Rani Sehrawat  is (National  Special story head ) of News India 9 (Team Koi Sataye Hame Bataye) especially to raise  the voice for women’s justice and help poor and needy women’s in the interior territories of our nation.


Jaswant Goyal 
(Bureau Chief), Delhi 
Jaswant Goyal is a Senior Crime Journalist who has over more then 17 years of experience and has worked with several News channels and news agencies including NNIS News. 
Jaswant Goyal is Bureau Chief (Delhi)  
Rohit kumar got awarded by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (Govt. of India) for his remarkable contribution to society.Even Rohit’s Tv programme and campaign “Koi Sataye Hame Bataye” is supported by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowernment(Govt. of India).
Rohit currently serves as (Crime News Editor),NewsIndia 9 as well as he is Delhi (Vice President),UNITED PRESS CLUB ORGANISATION

Our Special Tv Programme (Koi Sataye Hame Bataye) hosted by Chief News Editor, Rohit Kumar is supported by Ministry Of Social justice & Empowernment ,(Govt. Of India) 

कोई सताये हमें बतायें                 हक की बात हमारे साथ 

Give us your complaint and we will raise your voice 

National head  Editor, (SIT) & Legal 
Mr. Meer Singh  – +91 98103 76930
National Special Story head 
(Women’s Wing) 
Mrs. LataRani  Sehrawat  – + 91 99117 27078
(Crime News Editor)
Rohit Kumar –  + 91 9012740224 
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